Travel Essentials for Umrah Trip

There are the things we always bring when we travel, whether for a day, a week, or a month. To travel without planning carefully is like sailing without an advisor. It’s more likely you will get lost than find something interesting. So, what are Umrah travel essentials, and how should you carry them?

Umrah is also travelling from one destination to another – the holy city of Mecca. You can’t perform Umrah until you travel to Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It’s among the blessings of Allah (SWT) that Muslims must benefit from.  So, if you are going on an Umrah trip, you must pack some travel essentials or Umrah essentials that you may need during your stay in Saudi Arabia. We must pack these travel essentials no matter where we travel or go.

Travel documentation

Travelling without travel documentation is impossible. You must have valid travel documents in your hand issued by your home country’s government or Travel Agency. Just imagine, can you travel if you don’t have legal documents? It can include your passport, visa, ID, vouchers, passes, etc. You should have multiple copies of these documents in case you lose them. If possible, take them in soft form or copies in hard condition.

Prayer essentials

Being in the holy lands, you must always be ready to pray and make supplications to God. For that purpose, you need the proper prayer essentials. Although these things will be available in the holy lands, you can carry them if you are comfortable with your personal items. It can also be helpful to your flight. These essentials include a pocket Quran, beads/digital counter, prayer mat, Umrah guidebook, etc.

Luggage and bags

Luggage is mandatory for travelling because you must take all the essentials separately. And that’s your luggage bags, including your suitcases, briefcases, or carry-on bags. You can opt for a small backpack or sling bag where you can keep your travel docs. Try not to fill your bags with a weight more than the weight that has been settled by your concerned airline. Make sure your luggage is fully secure from any theft or emergency scenario.

Noise cancelling headphones

Sometimes headphones/earphones play a vital role in your successful travelling. Some people are addicted to listening to music or something else to meditate while travelling. You can listen to the Quran while travelling; it’s one of the best meditation options. But the point we are discussing here is carrying the headphones. If you are comfortable to have, you can; otherwise, it all depends on you.

Don’t forget the travel adapters.

Travel adapters will be in your handy. They are the significant parts of your travelling in this modern era. You know that electronic gadgets are more necessary to carry while on the go. And these e-gadgets require time-to-time battery power. Please take the universal travel adapter for all purposes. Remember that Saudi Arabia uses the type G plug sockets.

Money and currency

You will need the money all the time you require when travelling. Your home currency will be changed from the Saudi currency. Before leaving your country you have to change your currency in SAR. You have to do it before booking your Umrah Package. In Saudi Arabia, you have to use SAR, and you can convert your money to SAR. For example, pounds to SAR. 

Why do you need cash handy? You will shop in holy cities, eat with locals, and do other activities. For all these purposes, you must have some money and currency. Some shops may accept the digital payments visa apps – and that’s common now.

Tips to get the right travel essentials for Umrah

  • Imagine your destination where you are going, according to the culture and traditions that dress to fulfil their modesty.
  • How long will you stay in Saudi Arabia?
  • Do you have enough budget to buy some new essentials if needed?
  • Keep the excellent essentials, or you can buy twice if you lose.
  • Be ready for any unseen condition at any moment.
  • Be comfortable and relaxed when planning a list of travel essentials for Umrah.
  • Please pack your bags or buy them if you don’t have them in advance. Avoid hectic situations one night before departure.

Make the most of your pilgrimage – Umrah. Don’t overthink the packing; remember these are worldly things, and place the priority for which you are going. This is your religious trip; be careful about it. Let us know if our experiences figuring out what’s essential and what’s not help you. Have a memorable Umrah trip!